Understanding Redux: A Comprehensive Guide to State Management in JavaScript Applications with React DEV Community

The combineReducers() utility makes the file structure much easier to maintain. In an app where data is shared between components, it might be confusing to actually know where a state should live. Ideally, the data in a component should live in just one component, so sharing data among sibling components becomes difficult. With it, you can handle the initial render of the app by sending the state of an app to the server along with its response to the server request. The required components are then rendered in HTML and sent to the users. Actions are plain JavaScript objects that represent payloads of information that send data from your application to your store.

Main pros of Redux

I think you misunderstand what “cohesion” actually means in this context. I don’t see how the fundamental design of Redux and its state-reducers relate to any concept of cohesion. I have made views for some complex use-cases using react-redux. I think it is also meaningless that there is a performance down due to hundreds of KB of Redux packages. I indeed have to make code as the redux way in the Redux structure. I had to write a little more code in Redux structure, but it was a little bit.

What are the advantages of using Redux with ReactJS ?

As the official Redux binding for React, React Redux is kept up-to-date with any API changes from either library, to ensure that your React components behave as expected. Its intended usage adopts the design principles of React – writing declarative components. While it is possible to write this logic by hand, doing so would become very repetitive. In addition, optimizing UI performance would require complicated logic. The most important thing here is that, unlike Redux, Context API is not a state management system.

Main pros of Redux

One is withdraw_money and the other one is deposit_money. In the above code, both actions pass through the same reducer and the reducer differentiates each of them by switching over the action.type. This is how each action can be handled separately in Reducer without any inconvenience. Further in the above code, we just need to define the do something part to return a new state. If you’re familiar with React then you won’t have a problem in understanding the structure of the above React application.

Conclusion: Why We Use Redux

It’s a popular library to manage state in React apps, but it can be used just as well with Angular, Vue.js or just plain old vanilla JavaScript. If users report problems with tasks, time-travel debugging helps developers see the history of data changes related to tasks and find out where things went wrong. Since many components relied on shouldComponentUpdate for performance optimizations, the legacy context was useless for passing down plain data. We’ll create a simple webpage that allows you to increase or decrease a counter in the state using plus and minus buttons.

Main pros of Redux

You can create this application using the create-react-app command. In your application, the main App component is importing a component and renders the information in its body. The component takes in a tech prop, and this prop displays different technologies to the user. For example will display the below result to the user…. In conclusion, Redux provides a powerful way to manage state in complex applications.

An introduction to Redux

Most libraries, such as React, Angular, etc. are built with a way for components to internally manage their state without any need for an external library or tool. It does well for applications with few components, but as the application grows bigger, managing states shared across components becomes a chore. Reducers are pure functions, which means they are predictable. A pure function returns the same output for the same input. You can use reducers to generate a new application state. Redux is a powerful tool for managing state in JavaScript applications, particularly for large-scale projects with complex state requirements.

  • Redux is an example of a JavaScript library whose enduring popularity is a testament to its value.
  • For beginners, it’s an obvious choice to opt for Redux.
  • There is a central store that holds the entire state of the application.
  • A UI binding library like React Redux handles the store interaction logic, so you don’t have to write that code yourself.
  • I love breaking down complex problems into simple, easy to understand solutions.

Using Redux with ReactJS brings several advantages to your application development process. It offers centralized state management, predictable state updates, efficient component communication, scalability, and benefits from a thriving ecosystem and community support. By combining the strengths of ReactJS and Redux, you can build robust, maintainable, and scalable applications with ease. Well, at first these 9 words give you the feeling of 90 incomplete sentences where you don’t get anything. Well, the documentation has explanatory stuff when you start reading it. You may also have a lot of data changing in your application over time.

Managing Large and Complex Data

When used with React, Redux provides a seamless way to manage application state and render UI elements based on that state. As you can see in the example above, the component does not need to provide any state or method for its children components to share data among themselves. Everything is handled by Redux, which greatly simplifies the app and makes it easier what is redux used for to maintain. For example, to share data among siblings in React, a state has to live in the parent component. If the data needs to be passed from a parent to a child deep down the tree, this can still be accomplished using React utilities like Context. But when it comes to sharing the state between components on the same level, Redux is the inevitable option.

It helps to narrow the range of options by learning one thing at a time and focusing on problems you find in your work. If you do not have problems with state management, you might find the benefits of Redux harder to understand. Some UI libraries (like React) have their own state management system. If you are using one of these libraries, especially if you are just learning to use them, we encourage you to learn the capabilities of that built-in system first. If your application becomes so complex that you are confused about where state is stored or how state changes, then it is a good time for Redux to come to the scene. As shown in the image, Redux takes away the responsibility from individual components to manage a state.

Can Redux only be used with React?

If you look at the code we have written for creating actions you’ll notice that a few things are repeated in the code. For example, the same type of field is written multiple times which is not good as per the DRY principle in programming. To keep our code DRY we need to look at the new term Action Creators. State management is a big concern in large applications and Redux solves this problem. Some nice things you can do with Redux are logging, hot reloading, time travel, universal apps, recording, replay, etc.

Main pros of Redux

Redux allows individual components to connect to the store. You visit the bank with action in your mind i.e WITHDRAW_MONEY. No one is going to give you money if you just roam around here and there. If you want to update the state of your Redux (like you do with setState in React) you need to let Redux know about your action.

It is the Official Redux UI Bindings for React​

Redux was created by Dan Abramov and Andrew Clark in 2015 as a solution to the problem of managing state in large-scale JavaScript applications. It is based on the Flux architecture pattern, which separates the concerns of data flow and view rendering in an application. Redux is used to maintain and update data across your applications for multiple components to share, all while remaining independent of the components. We have discussed all the main terminology of Redux, and we have tried our best to explain each one of them in the simplest way.

Main pros of Redux

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